毕业意味着你已经达到了特定学习项目的所有要求. 毕业生将有证书反映在成绩单上,并可以要求获得文凭.
You do, however, 当你完成学位或证书要求时,希望被视为毕业生. 提交毕业申请是确保你被视为毕业生的重要一步. If the transcript does not reflect the earned degree or certificate, 你不能向潜在的雇主证明你在教育方面达到了一定的就业要求.
- The transcript is updated to reflect the earned degree or certificate.
- 支付$21.获得文凭需要50分.
- Payment for a cap and gown is required. 购买 here. 有 no 如果你不能毕业或不能参加毕业典礼,可以退还学位帽和学位服的费用.
- 毕业证书应该在学期结束后大约六到八周通过邮件送达.
- If your contact information changes prior to the ceremony, email graduation@bondagespot.com .
- 仪式信息通常在3月份通过普通邮件、电子邮件和短信发布.
- Complete the online graduation survey by clicking here.
- Save a copy of your degree plan to upload with your application.
- 登录你的 myWCC . Click on the Student Tab, Student Landing Page, and Degree Works. Look over your degree plan to verify everything looks accurate. 如果你对学位计划的要求有疑问,请联系你的指导老师. If something looks inaccurate, contact the 招生 Office.
- 如果你申请的学位或证书被列为你的专业, 点击顶部的另存为PDF. 如果你申请的学位或证书不是你的专业, use the What If function on the left of the page. Select the program of study for which you are 应用. Verify the accuracy of the program you have selected and click Save as PDF. Save the file in an easily accessible location.
- 保存你的文凭付款收据的副本,以便与你的毕业意向表格一起上传.
- Do not make a diploma payment if you 不 应用 为毕业.
- Instructions on how to purchase diplomas can be found below.
- If you have previously made payment for a diploma, but were deemed ineligible 为毕业, your diploma payment will be applied to your next graduation application.
- Click here to submit the intent to graduate form.
- 完成学位或证书的最终要求的确认将发送到您的学生电子邮件. This process can take up to three weeks after submitting your application. 所有学生必须在买球平台完成至少25%的学位或证书所需学期学分. 一个最低 GPA 2.毕业也需要0分. 建议您在最后一个学期之前与顾问或辅导员会面,讨论您的学位计划.
Phi Theta Kappa and Sigma Kappa Delta Honor Society Members:
请与您的协调员联系,以了解订购特殊流苏等信息. 为毕业.
- The transcript is updated to reflect the earned degree or certificate.
- 支付$21.需要50.
- 您将在学期结束后大约6到8周内获得文凭.
- The diploma will be mailed to the address on file with the College.
- Complete the online graduation survey by clicking here.
- Save a copy of your degree plan to upload with your application.
- 登录你的 myWCC . Click on the Student Tab, Student Landing Page, and Degree Works. Look over your degree plan to verify everything looks accurate. 如果你对学位计划的要求有疑问,请联系你的指导老师. If something looks inaccurate, contact the 招生 Office.
- 如果你申请的学位或证书被列为你的专业, 点击顶部的另存为PDF. 如果你申请的学位或证书不是你的专业, use the What If function on the left of the page. Select the program of study for which you are 应用. Verify the accuracy of the program you have selected and click “Save as PDF.” Save the file in an easily accessible location.
- 保存你的文凭付款收据的副本,以便与你的毕业意向表格一起上传.
- Do not make a diploma payment if you 不 应用 为毕业.
- Instructions on how to purchase diplomas can be found below.
- If you have previously made payment for a diploma, but were deemed ineligible 为毕业, your diploma payment will be applied to your next graduation application.
- Click here to submit the intent to graduate form.
- 完成学位或证书的最终要求的确认将发送到您的学生电子邮件. This process can take up to three weeks after submitting your application. 所有学生必须在买球平台完成至少25%的学位或证书所需学期学分. 一个最低 GPA 2.毕业也需要0分. 建议您在最后一个学期之前与顾问或辅导员会面,讨论您的学位计划.
注意:在决定是否参加毕业典礼之前,请咨询家人和/或朋友. Often family members want to share this milestone. If you do not order graduation regalia, diploma, 在截止日期前完成, 你将不能参加. 毕业典礼与某些项目举行的封顶和别针仪式不一样.
- The transcript is updated to reflect the earned degree or certificate.
- 成绩单被认为是学位或证书完成的官方文件. If you need to request a transcript for employment or transfer purposes, 点击这里.
- Complete the online graduation survey by clicking here.
- Save a copy of your degree plan to upload with your application.
- 登录你的 myWCC . Click on the Student Tab, Student Landing Page, and Degree Works. Look over your degree plan to verify everything looks accurate. 如果你对学位计划的要求有疑问,请联系你的指导老师. If something looks inaccurate, contact the 招生 Office.
- 如果你申请的学位或证书被列为你的专业, 点击顶部的另存为PDF. 如果你申请的学位或证书不是你的专业, use the What If function on the left of the page. Select the program of study for which you are 应用. Verify the accuracy of the program you have selected and click “Save as PDF.” Save the file in an easily accessible location.
- Click here to submit the intent to graduate form.
- 完成学位或证书的最终要求的确认将发送到您的学生电子邮件. This process can take up to three weeks after submitting your application. 所有学生必须在买球平台完成至少25%的学位或证书所需学期学分. 一个最低 GPA 2.毕业也需要0分. 建议您在最后一个学期之前与顾问或辅导员会面,讨论您的学位计划.
注意:在决定是否参加毕业典礼之前,请咨询家人和/或朋友. Often family members want to share this milestone. If you do not order graduation regalia, diploma, 在截止日期前完成, 你将不能参加. 毕业典礼与某些项目举行的封顶和别针仪式不一样.
Payment for the diploma should be made online through your myWCC account. 请参阅重要日期部分,了解适合您完成学期的付款截止日期. 有 no refunds for diploma payments. If you have previously made payment for a diploma, but were deemed ineligible 为毕业, your diploma payment will be applied to your next graduation application. Do not make a diploma payment if you 不 应用 为毕业.
- 登录你的 myWCC 账户
- Use your myWCC email address and password.
- Click on the Student tab, Student Landing Page.
- Click “Make a Payment, Deposit, and Payment Plan.”
- Click “Make Payment” in the Student 账户 Box.
- Under “Additional Items Only” choose the fee for your campus location.
- Choose to purchase Diploma fee by clicking on the “+” button. Once you have chosen your Diploma fee, click “Continue.”
- Select your method of payment, and click “Continue.”
- After entering your payment information, click “Continue.”
- Enter the remaining requested information.
- Click “Continue” on the right hand side when complete.
- 在下一个屏幕上,您将被要求验证信息,其中将包括以下内容:
- The type of item for which you are paying.
- 您的付款方式.
- The confirmation email to which a receipt must be emailed.
- After clicking submit, a receipt will appear on the student screen.
- 保存一份收据的副本, 最好是PDF格式, 并在提交毕业申请时附上它. 如果你的购买完成后,你的毕业申请已经提交了预期的毕业学期, then email a copy of your receipt directly to graduation@bondagespot.com .
- 如果你的交易发生在你的完成/最后学期结束之后,你的学位已经在你的成绩单上公布了, then submit your proof of payment directly to graduation@bondagespot.com 然后输入"逾期付款” in the subject line of your email message to avoid delays.
- 帽子和长袍39美元.00税前.
- 在网上购买你的学位帽和学位服 here.
- 帽子和礼服不予退还.
- Caps and Gowns will be delivered approximately mid-April. 一旦收到,您将收到有关如何、何时、何地取货的指示. Pick-up instructions will be sent to your student and personal email addresses and you are responsible for checking for current updates. 请确保您在学院保存有效的个人电子邮件地址.
点击您的在线订单 here.
- 点击毕业用品
- Type in 华勒士社区学院 in the select your school box
- 选择买球平台
- Follow the on-screen instructions for the Student Cap and Gown Unit.
在学业上表现优异的毕业生除了成绩单外,还能在文凭上获得批注,并有资格在毕业典礼上佩戴荣誉证书. 毕业学期的官方最终成绩要到学期结束后才会公布. 因此, 拉丁荣誉步行是根据学生最近的累积GPA计算的. Latin honors GPA determinations for degrees are as follows:
- Graduation with Highest Honor (Summa Cum Laude) – 3.90 – 4.平均绩点0
- Graduation with High Honor (Magna Cum Laude) – 3.70 – 3.平均绩点89
- Graduation with Honor (Cum Laude) 3.50 – 3.平均绩点69
Students earning certificates are recognized by the following designation:
- 以优异成绩毕业- 3.5 to 4.平均绩点0
Cords, stoles, 毕业典礼上可以佩戴别针和其他毕业徽章,表明学生是公认的学生组织或荣誉社团的成员或参与者,并由认可的学生组织或荣誉社团赞助商直接分发给学生. 学生有责任提前取得徽章并带到毕业典礼上. 这类徽章不会在毕业典礼当天或毕业典礼上分发. More information on approved student clubs and organizations can be found HERE.
华勒士社区学院 has partnered with 羊皮纸, Inc. to offer replacement diploma services for a cost of $21.每文凭50元. 以前的毕业生(或没有入学12个月或更长时间的学生)可以通过创建帐户来申请他们的证书或学位的副本 羊皮纸. 毕业证书将在14个工作日内邮寄至账户所列地址, 我们将立即从羊皮纸向您免费发送一份安全的电子副本.
Steps for ordering a replacement diploma:
- Click here and follow the instructions provided on the 羊皮纸 website
- Check your email and text messages for important pertinent notifications
- Follow the link to set up your 羊皮纸 credential account
- If desired, you may share your digital diploma on 脸谱网, LinkedIn, etc. via a verified link, or download a secure pdf version.
您的数字文凭或证书将始终通过您的羊皮纸帐户在线访问. 您可以登录您的帐户,下载或分享您的文凭或证书.